Waste Collection & Utility Billing

Athens Services

The City of South Pasadena contracts with Athens Services for rubbish service and collection. For customer service, or for information regarding rental bins, hazardous waste disposal, or to request a bulky item pick-up, please call Athens Services at (888) 336-6100.

Holiday Schedule: Collection of residential rubbish will be delayed by one day on all major holidays. (Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving-both Thursday and Friday, Christmas and New Year's Day.)

SB1383 Rate Adjustment - Effective January 1, 2025

On December 18, 2024, City Council approved a rate adjustment for solid waste services to accommodate compliance with State law, including Senate Bill (SB) 1383, the Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Act, which requires the City to provide organic waste services. For more information on SB1383, visit www.SouthPasadenaCA.gov/OrganicsRecycling.

Athens Schedule of Rates(PDF, 444KB) - Effective January 1, 2025

Annual Rate Adjustment - Effective July 1, 2024

Annual rate adjustments include an operations component and a disposal component. The operations component is based on the percentage change of the regional Consumer Price Index (CPI) from April 2023 through April 2024, which is 3.90%. The disposal component is adjusted based on the percent change in the disposal gate fee for residue from the Athens Material Recovery Facility (at Mid Valley Landfill) from July 2023 to July 2024, which is 5.58%. Per the current Exclusive Refuse Service Agreement, the disposal component adjustment shall not exceed the percentage change in the CPI used on the operations component. While the actual percent change in the Mid Valley Landfill gate fee from July 2023 to July 2024 is 5.58%, the disposal component of the rates will only be adjusted by the CPI change of 3.90%, consistent with the current Agreement.

Athens Schedule of Rates(PDF, 226KB) - Effective July 1, 2024


On Nov. 1, 2017, the City Council adopted new water and sewer service charges starting on Jan. 1, 2018, to pay for the operation and maintenance of the City's water and sewer systems. The water and sewer charges are scheduled to increase each year in January through December 31, 2022. Learn more about the Water and Sewer rate increases.

South Pasadena water customers are being served by a billing company, Munibilling. South Pasadena operates its own water utility staffed by City employees, but contracts for billing services.

Water Billing FAQ

How do I open or close an account?

MuniBilling will be able to assist with this service, please call (877) 583-7933.

Who do I call with questions about my bill?

MuniBilling will also handle customer care, they can be reached by phone at (877) 583-7933.

How do I set up Auto-pay?

Visit the MuniBilling online platform. View Auto Pay Set Up Instructions to assist you in the initial set up. (works best with Google Chrome or Firefox)

How do I access my online account?

You will use your account number as well as an access code that will appear on your bill. If you have not yet received your bill, but would like to get this information, contact Munibilling at (877) 583-7933.

Where should I pay my bill?

Payments can be made by calling the automated payment line at (877) 556-7929, online, or by mail.

You may send water bill payments to the address listed below. This will ensure all payments are processed in a timely manner.

City of South Pasadena
P.O. Box 889328
Los Angeles, CA, 90088-9328

Who do I contact for water emergencies?

For water emergencies after hours or on holidays, please call South Pasadena Police Department Dispatch at (626) 403-7297.

Helpful Utility Links