Employee Relations

Labor Relations

The Human Resources Division manages and executes the City’s union agreements, presenting a comprehensive bargaining strategy for all open Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) to the City Council. It negotiates successor MOUs within the guidelines set by the Council, addresses grievances related to negotiations, and fosters effective employer-employee relations in a cost-efficient and timely manner.


Citywide Salary Schedule

Bargaining Units


President, Edgard Villalobos (213) 448-0110

Vice President, Arianne Quizon (

Treasurer, Kelvin Machado (213) 509-0223

Secretary, Bryan Martinez (626) 403-7393

Sergeant-at-Arms, Ryan Garcia (213) 479-9092


President, Sam Benites (909) 730-1302

Vice President, Mike Larkin (951) 217-6804

Treasurer, Adam Tregenza  (626) 372-8725

Secretary, Colin Carson (626) 403-7300

Research, Scott McLellan (626)403-7300


President, Timothy Kim (626z0 403-7270

Vice President, Tyler Borrello (213) 631-7270

Treasurer, Gilbert Carrillo (626) 487-7104

Member-At-Large, Andy DuBois (626) 429-4254

Job Descriptions / Class Specs

State Controller's Government Compensation

Salary Schedule

In an effort to promote government transparency and openness, the City of South Pasadena is providing the latest compensation information for elected officials, officers, and employees found on the State Controller's Government Compensation in California site.