Slow Streets Program
The South Pasadena 'Slow Streets' Program aims to enhance traffic safety by reminding motorists to slow down and be aware of people using the street. Selected residential streets will utilize signage and other temporary traffic calming measures, such as curb extensions, dedicated bicycle lanes, and high-visibility crosswalks to reduce speeding and improve safety.
Based on a public request process, the following streets were nominated and approved for the first phase of this temporary demonstration project.
• Oak St. - Meridian to Garfield
• Hermosa Ave. - Grand to Columbia
• Grand Ave. - Mission to Columbia
Members of the public can support the program by becoming an official 'Slow Streets Ambassador.' Duties include educating the public about the program and notifying staff if equipment is missing, broken, or vandalized. Become an ambassador by contacting us!
*Please be aware that becoming an ambassador is a voluntary position and does not involve any form of compensation.
MISSION STREET PHASE II -More information will be available soon. Please check this site in the future for more updates
The City of South Pasadena is soliciting feedback on the program. Please share your thoughts by completing the survey linked below (or by scanning the QR code above).

How were Slow Streets selected?
The first phase of Neighborhood Slow Streets program was recommended by the South Pasadena Mobility and Transportation Infrastructure Commission (MTIC) and Department of Public Works based on various safety requirements. Additional streets may be requested by residents can considered by the City, pending funding availability. Local streets with low average daily traffic are generally good candidates for the program and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Streets with traffic signals, streets containing bus lines and truck routes, and streets with multiple travel lanes are usually not good candidates for this program as they require more complex measures to address speed issues.
Who can apply for a Slow Street?
Any resident of South Pasadena can apply for a Slow Street. Community-based organizations, neighborhood groups, non-profits, and other local groups may request a Slow Street.
How do I apply for a Slow Street?
You can apply by sending us an e-mail at
What does it mean to sponsor a Slow Street?
A Slow Street sponsor must agree to serve as a local ambassador for the program for the street(s) nominated by the sponsor and approved by staff. Expected duties will include informing neighbors about the purpose of the program and communicating with the program point of contact if signage or equipment is missing, broken, or vandalized. The time commitment to complete these duties should not exceed 2-3 hours per week.
What is the cost to apply for a Slow Street?
There is no monetary cost to apply for a Slow Street Network. However, applicants
must agree to sponsor the Slow Street network they are applying for.
What will the signs look like if my street is approved to be a Slow Street?
How long will a Slow Street remain in place?
Once a Slow Street is established, the equipment and signage will remain in place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until the City of South Pasadena decides, in its sole discretion, that removal is needed. The City of South Pasadena reserves the right to remove equipment and signage at any time, for any reason, including lack of funding, lack of effectiveness, or repeated vandalism of equipment or signs. Staff anticipates that the program will be evaluated in February 2024 to determine public interest, support, and opportunities for permanent safety improvements.
Is there an actual speed limit change within a Slow Street?
No. The City of South Pasadena can not change the posted speed limits under this Program. However, the program can strongly encourage people to observe the posted speed limit and drive with extra caution along a designated Slow Street. Reducing vehicle speeds will improve the safety of all road users.
Phone: (626) 403-7370