What is the Green Action Plan?
Green Action Plan(PDF, 3MB)
Sustainability is an important aspect in the City of South Pasadena’s way of life as exemplified by the City’s participation in the Clean Power Alliance, the adoption of the expanded polystyrene ban ordinance, and the inclusion of sustainability in the City’s Strategic Plan. To further strengthen the City’s commitment to sustainability, City staff have composed five definitive goals and actions to be taken in the form of the South Pasadena Green Action Plan (Green Plan).
The five goals are:
Goal I: Work towards making South Pasadena a Plastic-Free City
Goal II: Enhance Water Conservation Projects and Programs
Goal III: Increase Organics Diversion from Landfill
Goal IV: Mitigate Impacts of the Urban Heat Island Effect
Goal V: Prepare for the Consideration of Future Sustainability Initiatives
The creation of the Green Plan was a collaborative effort between City staff, the Natural Resources and Environmental Commission (NREC), and South Pasadena residents and businesses. The short-term initiatives in this plan will act as stepping stones for the Climate Action Plan (CAP).