In partnership with the Metropolitan Water District (MWD), we're proud to offer residential and commercial rebates on indoor and outdoor devices as well as turf replacement through their SoCalWater$mart Program. In addition, the City adds supplemental funds to these rebates. Residents and business owners can apply for these rebates directly through the SoCalWater$mart website and receive rebate checks that include both the MWD and City contributions.
Before purchasing, check for qualifying devices and application process. Some rebates require pre-approval.
* = includes City incentive
- High Efficiency Washer - $500*
- Premium High Efficiency Toilet (1.1 gpf or less) - $300*
- Rotating Sprinkler Nozzle (30 minimum) - $2 each
- Weather Based Irrigation Controller (less than one acre - limit 2 controllers) - $250/unit*
- Weather Based Irrigation Controller (one acre or more - limit 100 stations) - $100/station*
- Soil Moisture Sensor (less than 1 acre - limit 2 units) - $150/unit*
- Soil Moisture Sensor (more than 1 acre - limit 160 stations) - $50/station*
- Hose Bib Irrigation Controller - $35 each
- Rain Barrel (limit 2) - $35 each
- Cistern (200 gallon capacity) - Up to $250
- Cistern (501-999 gallons) - Up to $300
- Cistern (1000+ gallons) - Up to $350
- Flow Monitoring Device (Meter attached device- flume) - $200*
- Flow Monitoring Device (all other devices) - $200
- Turf Replacement - $4* per ft2 – up to 5,000 ft2
- Plumbing Flow Control Valve - $10*
- Laminar Flow Restrictor - $20*
- Commercial Premium HET - $300*
- Multi-Family Premium HET - $300*
- Zero Water Urinals - $300*
- Ultra Low Water Urinal - $300*
- Weather-Based Irrigation Controller - $100/station*
- Central Computer Irrigation Controller - $70/station*
- Soil Moisture Sensor System - $50/station*
- Hose Bib Irrigation Controller - $35 each
- Large Rotary Nozzle - $26/set*
- Rotating Nozzles for Pop-up Spray Heads Retrofits - $4/nozzle*
- In-Stem Flow Regulator - $2/regulator*
- pH-Cooling Tower Controller - $1,750
- Cooling Tower Conductivity Controller - $625
- Dry Vacuum Pump - $125 per 0.5 HP
- Connectionless Food Steamers - $970 per compartment*
- Ice-Making Machine $2,000
- Turf Replacement - $4* per ft2 – up to 50,000 ft2