
We are dedicated to offering valuable resources to assist South Pasadena residents and businesses conserve water. Explore this webpage to learn about water conservation rebates provided by South Pasadena and by the Metropolitan Water District (MWD).

*Additional requirements apply for South Pasadena rebates. See below for more information.

South Pasadena Water Conservation Rebates (2).png

Native Trees

How To Apply:

  1. Submit “before” photos (minimum 3 photos) before planting. Photos must meet the following criteria:
    • Be in color
    • Include minimum one photo that shows property
    • Include minimum two photos that clearly shows nonnative/ turf area where native trees will be planted
  2. Once approved, proceed to purchase and plant pre-approved trees
  3. Submit rebate application, approved pre-approval form, copy of receipt(s), and a minimum of three (3) "after" photos of new landscape

Water Efficient Plants

How To Apply:

  1. Submit “before” photos (minimum 3 photos) before planting. Photos must meet the following criteria:
  2. Once approved, proceed to purchase and plant pre-approved plants
  3. Submit rebate application, approved pre-approval form, copy of receipt(s), and a minimum of three (3) “after” photos of new landscape

Drip Irrigation Conversion

  • Must replace non-drip irrigation system
  • Receipts for the following drip irrigation materials can be submitted for the rebate: valves, backflow preventers, pressure regulators, filters, tubing adapters, drip tubing, emitters, and end caps.
  • Rebate: Up to $300 per household/business
  • Drip Irrigation Conversion Rebate Application(PDF, 198KB)

How To Apply:

  1. Submit “before” photos (minimum 4 photos) of current irrigation system. Photos must meet the following criteria:
    • Be in color
    • Include minimum one photo that shows property
    • Include minimum one photo that clearly shows non-drip irrigation system
    • Include minimum two photos that show area(s) of landscape to be irrigated with drip
  2. Submit completed rebate application, copy of receipt(s), and a minimum of three (3) “after” photos of new irrigation system

Energy Star Dishwasher

How To Apply:

  1. Purchase your high efficiency Energy Star certified dishwasher from the pre-approved Water Efficient Dishwasher Rebate Qualifying Products List.
  2. Submit rebate application including a minimum of two (2) "before" photos of your old dishwasher, copy of receipt(s), and a minimum of two (2) "after" photos of your newly installed Energy Star dishwasher.

make saving water an everyday thing

Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Rebates

In partnership with the Metropolitan Water District (MWD), we're proud to offer residential and commercial rebates on indoor and outdoor devices as well as turf replacement through their SoCalWater$mart Program. In addition, the City adds supplemental funds to these rebates. Residents and business owners can apply for these rebates directly through the SoCalWater$mart website and receive rebate checks that include both the MWD and City contributions.

Before purchasing, check for qualifying devices and application process. Some rebates require pre-approval.

* = includes City incentive


  • High Efficiency Washer - $500*
  • Premium High Efficiency Toilet (1.1 gpf or less) - $300*
  • Rotating Sprinkler Nozzle (30 minimum) - $2 each
  • Weather Based Irrigation Controller (less than one acre - limit 2 controllers) - $250/unit*
  • Weather Based Irrigation Controller (one acre or more - limit 100 stations) - $100/station*
  • Soil Moisture Sensor (less than 1 acre - limit 2 units) - $150/unit*
  • Soil Moisture Sensor (more than 1 acre - limit 160 stations) - $50/station*
  • Hose Bib Irrigation Controller - $35 each
  • Rain Barrel (limit 2) - $35 each
  • Cistern (200 gallon capacity) - Up to $250
  • Cistern (501-999 gallons) - Up to $300
  • Cistern (1000+ gallons) - Up to $350
  • Flow Monitoring Device (Meter attached device- flume) - $200*
  • Flow Monitoring Device (all other devices) - $200
  • Turf Replacement - $4* per ft2 – up to 5,000 ft2


  • Plumbing Flow Control Valve - $10*
  • Laminar Flow Restrictor - $20*
  • Commercial Premium HET - $300*
  • Multi-Family Premium HET - $300*
  • Zero Water Urinals - $300*
  • Ultra Low Water Urinal - $300*
  • Weather-Based Irrigation Controller - $100/station*
  • Central Computer Irrigation Controller - $70/station*
  • Soil Moisture Sensor System - $50/station*
  • Hose Bib Irrigation Controller - $35 each
  • Large Rotary Nozzle - $26/set*
  • Rotating Nozzles for Pop-up Spray Heads Retrofits - $4/nozzle*
  • In-Stem Flow Regulator - $2/regulator*
  • pH-Cooling Tower Controller - $1,750
  • Cooling Tower Conductivity Controller - $625
  • Dry Vacuum Pump - $125 per 0.5 HP
  • Connectionless Food Steamers - $970 per compartment*
  • Ice-Making Machine $2,000
  • Turf Replacement - $4* per ft2 – up to 50,000 ft2
  • Metropolitan water district water conservation rebates




*Please read all requirements before purchasing devices and submitting applications*

South Pasadena Rebate Requirements and Conditions

  1. Must completely fill out, sign, and date rebate application. (Some rebates require a Pre-Application Form to be completed. Please read rules listed for each City rebate before submitting any documentation.)
  2. Name on application must match name on water account. If part of HOA, must provide proof of residence via copy of water bill or verification letter from HOA.
  3. Must include copy of itemized receipt showing date and purchase of device (invoices are not accepted – must show that a payment was made).
  4. Applications must be submitted within 90 days of the purchase of a qualifying device.
  5. Water account must be in good standing (account with a zero balance).
  6. Rebate amount is limited to the cost of the device(s). The actual device costs exclude tax, shipping, labor and other charges.
  7. Rebate applications will be processed within 4-6 weeks.
  8. Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to the availability of funds.
  9. Rebate amount and requirements are subject to change or terminate without prior notice.