Community Improvement and Code Enforcement

The Community Improvement Division plays an active role in maintaining the quality of life in South Pasadena. Working with residents and businesses, the Division seeks to educate the public about the rules and regulations that protect them. The Division handles a wide range of issues from habitability complaints to overgrown vegetation. We prioritize complaint resolution through voluntary compliance and collaboration.

South Pasadena Municipal Code
View the City's Municipal Code online

Noise Ordinance(PDF, 373KB)
Hours for landscape maintenance and construction activity

Southwest Hills Construction Regulations(PDF, 993KB)
A handbook for construction regulations in the Southwest Monterey Hills

Report Water Waste
Provide the address, day and time of the water waste

Garage Sales
Permit application, rules, and regulations

Code Enforcement FAQ's

What is Code Enforcement?

The City’s Code Enforcement Officers are responsible for enforcing City Municipal Codes and certain State codes which address public health and safety and support South Pasadena’s quality of life. Enforcement actions are taken proactively and in response to citizen complaints and requests for action by other City departments and outside public agencies. Code enforcement regulations help preserve South Pasadena's unique charm. When properties are left in a state of disrepair or are not maintained, the community suffers. Participation by all community members to properly maintain their property is important and ultimately benefits everyone.


What are some common neighborhood complaints?

Overgrown vegetation:
S.P.M.C. 24.02 (Public Nuisance). Routine landscape maintenance not only eliminates property blight but also eliminates a safety risk that could be present on your or your neighbor’s property.

After hours construction: S.P.M.C. 19.A.13
It is unlawful for any person to perform any construction activity within a residential zone or within five hundred feet thereof on Monday through Friday before 8 a.m. and after 7 p.m., Saturday before 9 a.m. and after 7 p.m., and on Sunday before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m.

Inoperative vehicles: S.P.M.C. 24.02 (Public Nuisance)
The South Pasadena Municipal Code prohibits the parking or storage of inoperative, dismantled, and junk vehicles on private property. Inoperative vehicles must be stored within an enclosed structure (garage).

Swimming Pool Maintenance: S.P.M.C. 24.02, 9.84
Swimming pools must be maintained in a clean and safe condition. In order to prevent the growth of algae, bacteria, pathogens and to prevent the spread diseases including West Nile Virus, it is vital that all residents maintain their swimming pool.

Dumping of miscellaneous trash, debris, junk, and/or lumber: S.P.M.C. 24.02 (Public Nuisance)
The scattering or depositing on of "unsightly" items throughout ones property not only is considered a code violation but can cause diminution of to the property value of surrounding homes or properties.

Illegal Signs: S.P.M.C. 36.320 (Signs)
This section regulates the placement, type, size, and number of all signs allowed within the city. Permits are also required for all temporary banners. See Garage Sale regulations for rules about signs and advertisements for garage sales.

Prefabricated Metal and Fabric Carports:
Before you purchase a prefabricated, metal, or fabric carport, please be advised of the City’s regulations. Prefabricated, metal, or fabric carport cannot be placed within the driveway.

Building without a permit: S.P.M.C. 9 (Buildings)
Building permits are required for most types of construction and many types of home improvement projects (e.g.) plumbing, heating, air conditioning, decks, new homes, some sheds, additions, swimming pools, hot tubs, etc. For more information, please call the Planning and Building Department at (626) 403-7220 or call the Building Inspector directly at (626)403-7226.

What concerns are not addressed by Code Enforcement?

  • All animal complaints , barking dogs (Pasadena Humane Society at 626-792-7151)
  • Mold and Lead (Los Angeles County Health Dept at 888-700-9995)
  • Construction or remodeling issues (Planning and Building)
  • Landlord and tenant disputes (Housing Rights Center at 626-791-0211)
  • Smoke detectors (Fire Department)
  • Satellite dishes
  • Fences/Walls (Planning and Building)
  • Noise Complaints- music, alarms, construction (Police Dept)
  • Illegal dumping of discards on city streets (Public Works)
  • Graffiti on public property only (Public Works)
  • Abandoned or stray shopping carts (Public Works)
  • Unlicensed solicitors (Finance Department and Police Dept)
  • Parking - permits and restrictions (Police Dept)
  • City tree trimming or removal (Public Works)
  • Private tree branches overhanging and growing onto a neighboring property (No ordinance - civil matter)
  • Property line disputes (civil matter)
  • Drainage for existing homes (civil matter)

What penalties result from Code Enforcement?

In many cases, the individual responsible for the code violation is given the opportunity to voluntarily correct the situation and comply with current codes without a penalty. If the correction is not made, then the individual may be subject to fines and other penalties.

How do I notify the City of a possible code violation?

There are four (4) ways of filing a complaint:

  1. Report a code violation by emailing the Community Improvement Coordinator at
  2. Call the Community Improvement Coordinator directly at (626) 403-7225 and give us the information or leave a message so we can call you back
  3. Send a letter to our office explaining the problem
  4. Visit us in person and talk to our Community Improvement Coordinator and Planning and Building staff. You may also report a code violation by downloading the Code Enforcement Request Form(PDF, 56KB) and submitting it directly in person, via email at, or via fax at (626) 403-7225.

The City has strict confidentiality policy. All reporting/complaining party information is confidential.