Housing Element Update 2021 - 2019

February 13, 2024

Letter received from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). Click link below to access:

HCD Letter(PDF, 201KB)

May 30, 2023

City Council approved the Environmental Assessment and adopted the 2021-2029 Housing Element by a vote of 4-0. 

City Council Resolution No. 7817(PDF, 142KB)

May 17, 2023 

The Draft Housing Element is scheduled for the City Council public meeting on Tuesday, May 30, 2023 at 7:00 PM in Council Chambers.

May 16, 2023

Letter received from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). Click link below to access:

(PDF, 201KB)HCD Letter(PDF, 188KB)

May 11, 2023

The Planning Commission will consider the Draft Housing Element for recommendation to City Council at a special meeting on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 5:30 PM in Council Chambers. The Planning Commission Agenda Packet can be accessed using link below:

May 17, 2023 Planning Commission Agenda Packet(PDF, 7MB)

May 5, 2023

The Planning Commission will consider the Draft Housing Element for recommendation to City Council at a special meeting on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 5:30 PM in Council Chambers.  The Draft Housing Element and related environmental disclosure documents (Notice of Preparation and Initial Study) can be accessed using links below:

- 5th Draft Housing Element, Clean Version(PDF, 10MB)

- 5th Draft Housing Element, Redlined Version(PDF, 10MB)

- 5th Draft Housing Element, Cumulative Redline(PDF, 17MB)

- Notice of Preparation(PDF, 187KB)

- Initial Study(PDF, 5MB)

The following documents were submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). Click links below to access the documents:

- HCD Transmittal Letter(PDF, 184KB)

- 5th Draft Housing Element, Clean Version(PDF, 10MB)

- 5th Draft Housing Element, Redlined Version(PDF, 10MB)

- 5th Draft Housing Element, Cumulative Redline(PDF, 17MB)

April 28, 2023:

On Monday April 24, 2023, City staff had a status conference with HCD reviewers.  Three minor text edits and one program revision were recommended in order to achieve HCD certification.  The City has rescinded the March 24, 2023 version of the 5th Draft Housing Element.  The four changes have been excerpted and redlined for ease of review.  The City is releasing these changes for a seven-day comment period, through 4:00PM on Friday, May 5, 2023.

Excerpt Showing Changes to Programs 2.i, 2.m, 3.b, and 3.m(PDF, 193KB)

Please send all comments to: housingelement@southpasadenaca.gov

March 24, 2023:

The following documents were submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). Click links below to access the documents:

1.  HCD Transmittal Letter(PDF, 221KB)

2.  5th Draft Housing Element, Clean Version(PDF, 9MB)

3.  5th Draft Housing Element, Redlined Version(PDF, 9MB)

4.  5th Draft Housing Element, Cumulative Redline(PDF, 17MB)

March 17, 2023:

The City of South Pasadena is re-releasing its 5th Draft Housing Element for additional public review until March 24, at 12:00 noon.  On March 7, minor changes were made after the March 2 version was released, and public comment was taken until March 13. In response to comments after March 2, changes were made to address public comments and the March 7 version was posted. In response to comments made after March 7, several minor edits were incorporated in the March 13th draft that was sent to HCD, based on comments received during the comment period and a typographic error identified by staff.  Those edits include: p. 18 and 267, clarifying the Program 2.m exemption to the inclusionary housing ordinance will apply up to 10 units; p. 18-19 and 267-268, clarifying that the Program 2.n that the DTSP and zoning code would be amended to reflect the densities identified in the housing element within 120 days after results of the outcome of the height limit and ballot measure;  p. 20-21 and 269-270, clarifying that the Program 3.b development standards would be updated consistent with Program 2.n based on the outcome of the height limit and ballot measure; and p. 177, correction of a typographic error reference to a table.

These edits are shown in redline in the “Second Public Review” document below (please see link below). No changes have been made since the March 13th draft posted below. A clean version of the entire document, as well as a redline version showing all changes from the 4th draft, are linked to below as part of the March 13th submission to HCD. To allow the public to comment on changes to the 5th Draft, the comment period is now being reopened through Friday, March 24th at noon. 

Please send all comments to: housingelement@southpasadenaca.gov

- March 17, 2023 (Second Public Review)(PDF, 187KB)


 March 13, 2023:  The following documents were submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). Click links below to access the documents:

1.  HCD Transmittal Letter

2.  5th Draft Housing Element, Clean Version

3.  5th Draft Housing Element, Redlined Version

4.  5th Draft Housing Element, Cumulative Redline

March 7, 2023: The 5th Public Review Draft of the 2021-2029 Housing Element is being updated to further address the following programs: 1.b “Convert Caltrans Homes to Affordable Housing”, 2.n “Citywide Height Limit Ballot Initiative”, 3.b “Mixed-Use Developments and Adaptive Re-Use”, and 3.m. “Implement SB 9 and SB 10”.  Changes in this update are highlighted in yellow. This updated version of the 5th Public Review Draft will be available for public comment through noon on March 13, 2023. All comments received, included those sent to-date, will be addressed. Please send all comments to: housingelement@southpasadenaca.gov

Click links below to access the documents:

- 5th Public Review Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element (Update)

- Redline Version (Update)

March 2, 2023: The 5th Public Review Draft of the 2021-2029 Housing Element is now available for public comment through March 9, 2023. Please send all comments to: housingelement@southpasadenaca.gov

Click links below to access the documents:

- 5th Public Review Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element

- Redlined Version

February 9, 2023:  A hybrid in-person/virtual Housing Element community meeting will be held on Thursday, February 9th from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM to discuss the 5th Housing Element Draft.

You can participate the community meeting in-person or virtually via Zoom:


Amedee O. "Dick" Richards Jr. Council Chambers, 1424 Mission Street, South Pasadena, CA 91030



Webinar ID: 839 2895 7128

Passcode: 770157

February 1, 2023: City Council Special Meeting at 7:01 P.M. The special meeting agenda, staff report, and HCD comment letter are available via link below:

 City Council Special Meeting, February 1, 2023 (southpasadenaca.gov)

January 27, 2023: City received comment letter from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). Click below for the comment letter:

HCD Comment Letter

December 12, 2022:  The following documents were submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). Click link below to access the documents:

1.  HCD Transmittal Letter

2.  4th Draft Housing Element, Clean Version

3.  4th Draft Housing Element, Redlined Version

4.  4th Draft Housing Element, Cumulative Redline

December 5, 2022: The 4th Public Review Draft of the 2021-2029 Housing Element is now available for public comment through December 12, 2022. Please send all comments to: housingelement@southpasadenaca.gov

Click links below to access the documents:

- 4th Public Review Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element

- Redlined Version

November 2, 2022:  On Wednesday, November 2, 2022, Housing and Community Development (HCD) sent a corrected letter.  HCD corrected information in regard to the dates for SCAG region jurisdictions to complete rezoning. Click below for the comment letter.

HCD Comment Letter

October 28, 2022:  City received comment letter from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).  Click below for the comment letter:

HCD Comment Letter

September 15, 2022:  The following documents were submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).  Click links below to access the documents:

1.  HCD Transmittal Letter

2.  3rd Draft Housing Element, Redlined Version

3.  3rd Draft Housing Element, Clean Version

4.  HCD Comments and 3rd Draft Responses

5.  Stipulated Order and Judgment

6.  Settlement Agreement

September 8, 2022:  The 3rd Public Review Draft of the 2021-2029 Housing Element is now available for public comment through September 15, 2022.  Please send all comments to: housingelement@southpasadenaca.gov

Click links below to access the documents:

3rd Public Review Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element

Redlined Version

August 20, 2022:  "Thank you to all who attended the Housing Element Community Meeting in person or by Zoom." Click here to view the presentation

2022 Housing Element Flyer

July 8, 2022:  City received comment letter from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).  Click below for the comment letter: 

HCD Comment Letter

June 29, 2022: In order to address HCD’s informal, preliminary comments on the 2nd Public Review Draft, the City has sent this letter with changes to incorporate into the draft.  These changes, and additional comments, are provided here for public comment.

April 21, 2022:  2nd Public Review Draft is available for public comment.  Click below:

2nd Public Review Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element

Redlined Version

Planning Commission Presentation

December 21, 2021: City received comment letter from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).  Click below for the comment letter:

HCD Comment Letter

October 12, 2021: Public Review Draft is available for public comment through December 22, 2021.  Click below for the draft:

Public Review Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element

The Community Development Department has provided presentations to assist in review of the review draft, which are posted here:

October 12, 2021 Planning Commission Kick-Off presentation 

October 21, 2021 Community Meeting presentation

November 9, 2021 Planning Commissioner Discussion presentation

November 17, 2021 Council Meeting Discussion presentation 

May 10, 2022 Planning Commission Presentation

Full Meeting recordings are available on the City's YouTube page:

October 12 Planning Commission meeting

October 21 community meeting

The City of South Pasadena is preparing a housing element (Chapter 6 of the General Plan) for the 2021-2029 planning period in conjunction with state mandates and the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA).  The City has released two Public Review drafts, which have been reviewed by the State Department of Housing & Community Development.  Additional HCD comments are being addressed in order to achieve certification and the City anticipates releasing a third draft in September 2022, to be followed by Adoption hearings.

South Pasadena is a community of 25,458 residents with 10,007 housing units.  In conjunction with planning for the 2021-2029 housing element cycle, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) released South Pasadena housing and demographics data in August 2020.

For information regarding the associated Program Environmental Impact Report for the General Plan Update, Downtown Specific Plan and 2021-2029 Housing Element please click here.

Fall 2021 Update on Preparation of the Housing Element

City staff and the project consultants (PlaceWorks and Psomas) continued work on the Housing Element Public Review Draft through the summer.  Prior to her departure, on August 10, 2021, the outgoing Planning & Community Development Director, Joanna Hankamer, provided the Planning Commission with a summary overview of the anticipated key policies, programs and RHNA compliance strategy that will be included in the draft.  Due to Department staff turnover and in order to ensure sufficient time for legal review, the planned August release of the draft was postponed and is anticipated by the first week of October.

The Planning Commission’s previous study session was held at a Special Meeting on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 with a progress report on the integration of the General Plan, Downtown Specific Plan and Housing Element for consistency with the City’s Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA).  A Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the General Plan/DTSP/Housing Element project is being prepared and the Notice of Preparation was recirculated for scoping suggestions in May.  The Commission also discussed the draft strategy that the City presented to the California Department of Housing & Community Development (HCD) for a courtesy review in March. HCD provided constructive feedback, both verbal and written, for shaping the public review draft in compliance with State law.  The following are the March 25 working documents:

Site Selection

Citywide Maps of Sites


These work-in-progress documents had incorporated feedback from the community and Planning Commission over the last year as staff has explored strategies to meet the City’s tremendous RHNA obligation. HCD’s comments will be reflected in the public review draft inventory and proposed programs to better align with HCD’s expectations for the City to significantly increase its housing production capacity. 

ADU Ordinance Revised:

December 15, 2021:Phase II of the ADU update was completed on December 15, 2021, when the Council unanimously adopted an Urgency Ordinance that revises SPMC Section 36.350.200 (Accessory Dwelling Units) to add specific requirements that apply to developing ADUs on historic properties.  The ADU ordinance facilitates ADU production by clarifying processes, requiring objective standards with flexibility, allowing two-story ADUs, addressing public safety concerns in the high-risk fire areas, and complying with State ADU laws.

To support property owners interested in developing ADUs, fillable PDF application forms are available at the Virtual Planning Desk. along with the ADU Brochure and Design Guidelines for ADU Development on Historic Properties.  Applicants should use the appropriate form based on whether the property is identified or designated as historic.  All ADU applications must be submitted electronically on these application forms.

ADOPTED Inclusionary Housing Ordinance:

May 5, 2021: The City Council unanimously voted to make the provisions of the Inclusionary Housing urgency ordinance permanent.  SPMC Chapter 36.375 requires new multi-family residential development to deed-restrict 20% of the base number of units in the project as affordable for extremely low, very low, low, or moderate income households. The urgency ordinance, which has been in effect since its adoption on April 7th, will expire when the new ordinance becomes effective on June 4th. The staff report and ordinance are posted here on the Council meeting webpage.

NEW! The residential Design Review Permit application form is available on the Virtual Planning Desk.

2020 Year-End Update on the Housing Element Planning Process   

 January 2021: Throughout 2020, City staff and the PlaceWorks consultant team worked hard with the community and conducted extensive research to develop a draft housing element as required by State law and the Regional Housing Needs Assessment allocation in 2020:

The project kicked off focused on the challenge of identifying locations with the potential to build market rate and affordable housing.  The analysis of the existing zoning capacity was undertaken on a parcel-specific level, with guidance from the California Department of Housing & Community Development (HCD).

Virtual community workshops were held in September with participation of many community members.

Members of the public were encouraged to provide input and many comments were received.

As the COVID19 pandemic shifted circumstances and priorities, the State and City moved to protect renters. The Council ordered a moratorium on evictions due to substantial remodels through October 2021 to protect tenants from losing their homes.

In the first quarter of 2021, community meetings and public hearings are planned to share results of 2020’s research and to seek input on some important Council-directed initiatives to support certification of the housing element. These include:

Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (IHO): Staff is drafting an IHO for the Council’s consideration.  The ordinance would require for the first time that market rate residential developments include deed-restricted affordable units that would be offered to eligible individuals and families base on LA County’s criteria defining low income, very low income, extremely low income and moderate income households.

Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance Amendment: In 2020, property owners showed a noticeable increase in interest to build these units, which are a terrific opportunity to provide housing within the City’s existing fabric.  As the ordinance (updated at the end of 2019) gets implemented, staff is exploring ways to adjust the requirements to support applicants seeking to build ADUs.

Previous Workshops

 On January 25, 2021, a virtual community meeting on housing, attended by about 60 community members was held with presentations by City staff and the Housing Rights Center.  The meeting provided information to the public and questions were answered about tenants’ rights, protections and COVID19 emergency measures and updates on the initiatives that the City is taking to support more affordable housing alternatives, through policy initiatives and planning for the Housing Element update. The presentation is available at the Housing Rights Center’s “Past Events” page.

Two workshops with presentations and virtual breakout groups were held in September 2020 focusing on the update process, the City’s plans for analyzing sites available for housing, and the State’s requirements for that analysis. Prior to that, the community kicked off the housing discussion in December 2019.  View the 2020 presentations and other workshops materials in the table below.

September 2020 Workshop Flyer

2019 Housing Initiative Workshops