Co-Sponsorship Waiver Policy

Co-Sponsorship Waiver Policy(PDF, 286KB)

The City of South Pasadena (City) routinely receives requests from nonprofit organizations, service clubs, and others requesting to co-sponsor various activities, or to waive temporary use permit fees and /or rental fees for the use of City facilities. Examples of these activities include public music performances, art exhibitions, cultural, service club, sporting and school events.

Recognizing the value of partnering with local organizations and the benefits to the community while still upholding its fiscal responsibilities, the City has established the following policy to direct when fees may be waived or co-sponsorship approved.

Requests must be made, in writing, at least 60-days prior to the event. Please review the Co-Sponsorship Waiver Policy(PDF, 286KB) for more information.

Qualifications for those seeking fee waivers or co-sponsorship

  • Must be a valid non-profit or community service organization based within the City of South Pasadena.
  • ALL of the following criteria must be demonstrated by the applicant:
    • Consistent with the City's economic, social, or recreational goals
    • Free and open to the public, unless otherwise authorized by the City Council (or its designee)
    • Demonstrate community pride and involvement
    • Not have a religious or political purpose

Co-Sponsorship may include fee waiver or reduction for any of the following:

  • Use of facility
  • Temporary Use Permit
  • Street Banner
  • Tent Permit
  • Encroachment Permit
  • Street Closure and/or Traffic Control Plan

Co-Sponsorship does not include the following:

  • Staffing Costs
  • Refundable Security Deposit
  • Outdoor use of any city equipment (such as tables, chairs, PA systems, or canopies)
  • Insurance


Requests must be made in writing, at least 60-days prior to the event and must include details of the event, including, but not limited to:

  • Name and mailing address of organization making request
  • City facility, property, or street requested for use
  • Proof of nonprofit status, if applicable
  • Detailed description and purpose of event
    • Time of event and time access to the site is needed
    • Proposed street closure or traffic control plan, prepared and stamped by registered engineer (if applicable); and any and all street closures related to events, must be pre-approved, via traffic control plans, by the Public Works Department. Moreover, no entity, under any circumstance, other than the City of South Pasadena may execute traffic control plans within the City’s Limits. Proper insurance must accompany the Stamped Street Closure Plan for final approval.
    • Concession information, including whether food or drink will be sold
    • List of equipment that will be brought in for the event
    • List of event sponsors and their role (if any)
  • Description of the benefits the nonprofit will receive and the benefit the City or its residents will receive from the event
  • Detailed description of any support staff needed from City staff, including Police, Fire, or Public Works (NOTE: Costs will be the responsibility of the event organizers. Any hours designated for the set-up of approved nonprofit organization events, during regular business hours, will be at the expense of the nonprofit and must be approved by the City Manager or his/her designee).
  • City equipment and supplies will not be available for use or rent unless the facility that is being used houses these items such as tables and chairs. The following will not be used or rented for outdoor use: Audio visual, Public Address System, Tables, Chairs, Canopies, or Electrical Outlets. Use of City vehicles for nonprofit organization use is prohibited.