Code of Conduct


 Some basic rules to make our Library enjoyable and useful for everyone.

The users of the South Pasadena Public Library have the right to expect the facility to be a clean, safe, and accommodating place for reading, writing, doing homework or research, drawing, browsing for Library materials; quietly conferring with others, including Library staff;  and attending programs and meetings. Visitors are urged to report disruptive behavior so that appropriate steps can be taken. The Library thanks its valued visitors for their cooperation. 

Respect toward the Library, Its Staff, and Other Visitors is required at all times. Everyone has a right to quality library services and an atmosphere that is safe and free of disturbances from others.  These position policies include: 

  • Shoes and shirts must be worn in order to protect health and safety.
  • Please, no loud talking or shouting.
  • Eating, drinking, and chewing gum are not allowed in the Library.  Capped water bottles are acceptable.
  • Damaging or destroying Library materials, furniture, equipment, or other property is prohibited.
  • The Library is a smoke-free environment. Vaping, e-cigarettes or other uses of tobacco are not allowed inside the Library.
  • No unruly behavior, such as running, jumping, hitting, wrestling, throwing things, or other aggressive actions or statements.  
  • No use of sports equipment in the Library.
  • Skateboard, roller skates, and scooters must be in a backpack.
  • Sleeping (except for children under the age of four years) is not permitted in the Library.
  • Loitering is not allowed in the Library or on its property. The public must leave at closing time except when using the Community Room after hours. For purposes of this policy, Loitering is defined as remaining in the Library building or Library grounds for a protracted time without any Library-related purpose, including reading, studying, writing, researching, drawing, looking at or checking out materials, visiting the Friends Bookstore, using a computer or attending a Library approved or scheduled meeting, program or event.
  • Commercial solicitation, selling, and panhandling are prohibited.
  • Animals are prohibited, except for trained and certified service animals for the disabled, or animals used in Library programs.
  • Verbal or physical abuse or sexual harassment of Library users or staff is prohibited.
  • No illegal behavior of any type.
  • No more than 4 people per table.  No chair may be occupied by more than one person.  Each person at a table is to be seated while at the table.
  • Seating infants or children on desks, counters or tables is a safety hazard and not permitted.
  • Placing feet on tables, tipping back in chairs and scratching or any other activity which defaces, mars or otherwise damages Library furniture, facilities or equipment is considered abuse and is not permitted.
  • No person may sit or lie upon Library furniture or carpeting while wearing clothing that is soiled in such a manner that it is likely to soil or stain the furniture or carpeting.
  • A person whose personal hygiene is offensive, including odors, so as to disturb a reasonable person and interfere with or impair the ability of other visitors to use the Library facilities will be asked to leave the Library.
  • Public restrooms are not to be used as bathing facilities.
  • Individuals may not reserve seats and may not leave their materials unattended from more than 15 minutes.  Materials left longer than the time limit may be removed by staff.  The Library is not responsible for loss of any personal possessions.
  • No tampering with or destroying computer equipment or files.
  • Weapons including, but not limited to, guns and knives, are not allowed in the Library or on Library grounds.


Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters, etc.

  • Bicycles are not allowed in the Library. They should be locked in the bike rack outside.
  • Skateboarding, roller skating, or riding scooters are not permitted in the Library or on Library grounds.
  • Sleeping Bags, bedrolls, blankets, large boxes, shopping carts, and large backpacks are not allowed in the Library.

Harmful Substances 
No possessing, being under the influence of, or using alcohol or controlled substances including, but not limited to, marijuana in any form, on Library premises.

Personal Appliances
Personal appliances such as smartphones or cellphones, tablets, computers, cassette players, laptops, and calculators may be used as long as the noise level is low and use does not interfere with others. Cellphones and pagers should be turned off or switched to a low or non-audible signal and answered outside the Library.

Printed Postings, Political Campaigning, and Religious Proselytizing
No printed matter can be posted or given out inside the Library without staff permission. Political campaigning and religious proselytizing are not permitted inside the Library proper, although meetings in the Community Room that are sponsored by outside organizations are not subject to this policy.  Gathering signatures for petitions within the Library is prohibited.

Children Under 11
Children under 11 must be accompanied by an adult. Staff is not responsible for unattended children. Parents are responsible for ensuring the appropriate behavior of their children while they are in the Library.

Teen Room
Due to space limitations, the study tables and chairs in the Teen Room are reserved for the use of persons age 18 and under.




After proper warning to desist, the Library Director or designee may exclude for the duration of the business day any person violating these rules and standards.

The Library Director may suspend any person’s use of the Library for repeated violations of this policy for periods of up to one year, pursuant to SPMC § 2-78.5.

Approved by the Library Board of Trustees, January 12, 2017.