District Elections

Future South Pasadena Elections will be Conduct Under By-District Elections

On October 4, 2017, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2318(PDF, 1MB) to change from at-large to by-district elections with respect to electing members of the City Council, establishing boundaries, and sequencing of elections within the districts. The incumbent City Councilmembers will continue to represent the City at-large until such time as they may be re-elected to represent their respective districts or leave office.

2017 Modified Green MapIn November 2018, South Pasadena voters will experience district voting for their first time. Candidates for City Council must reside within Districts 4 and 5. Only voters within said districts will be eligible to vote for candidates vying to represent their respective district. In 2020, South Pasadena voters in Districts 1, 2, and 3 will vote under the same procedures as described. The elected positions of City Treasurer and City Clerk will remain at-large and will be voted on in November 2018. The term of office for all City elected positions will remain four-years. Download the district map and ordinance(PDF, 1MB).

Below is more information regarding the transition from at-large to by-district elections. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact Marc Donohue, Chief City Clerk, at (626) 403-7230 or cityclerk@southpasadenaca.gov.

District Elections? How Did This Happen?

On July 19, 2017, the South Pasadena City Council adopted Resolution No. 7524(PDF, 377KB) declaring its intent to transition to district-based elections in response to a threat of litigation asserting a violation of the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA). While the City maintains its position that its election system does not violate the CVRA or any other provision of law, the cost of litigation is prohibitive and the public interest would be better served by transitioning to a district-based electoral system.

Pursuant to Elections Code Section 10010(PDF, 86KB) , the City will conduct a series of Public Hearings over the next 90 days to receive community input on the composition of proposed electoral districts for City Council seats. It is of upmost importance that South Pasadena residents participate and provide feedback during the upcoming Public Hearings. It is the City's desire to ensure that the proposed districts reflect prevalent communities of interest and that the citizenry be engaged in this urgent matter.

Please see our Frequently Asked Questions page for details about district elections.

What Kind of Feedback Does the City Need From Its Residents?

The Federal Voting Rights Act (FVRA) and CVRA prescribe specific criteria to be considered during the drafting of proposed district maps. This criteria includes the following: 1) nearly equal populations, 2) contiguous and compact territories, 3) continuity in office, and 4) communities of interest.

The City needs to know what communities of interest the residents would like to be considered. For instance, are there specific social, cultural, ethnic, or economic interests? Should school attendance areas, single-family and multi-family housing unit areas, income levels, or areas around parks or other neighborhood landmarks be considered? The City needs to hear from you!

The community is invited to attend the upcoming Public Hearings listed below. These hearing will be an opportunity to provide input and listen to what other members of the community are suggesting as communities of interest. However, if you are unable to attend a scheduled Public Hearing, you are welcome to provide input via email (cityclerk@southpasadenaca.gov). Your comments will be collected by the City Clerk's Division and shared with the City Council at the upcoming Public Hearings.

Schedule of Public Hearings

Key DatesPublic Hearings Schedule Flyer(PDF, 222KB)

Wednesday, August 16, 2017; 7:30 p.m.
Amedee O. “Dick” Richards, Jr. Council Chamber
1424 Mission Street, South Pasadena, CA

A City Council Public Hearing to review the districting process and to hear from residents about their ideas for potential “communities of interest” and the composition of districts.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017; 7:30 p.m.
Amedee O. “Dick” Richards, Jr. Council Chamber
1424 Mission Street, South Pasadena, CA

A City Council Public Hearing to review the districting process, to hear from residents about their ideas for potential “communities of interest,” and to receive City Council direction on the criteria to be considered for mapping of districts.

Saturday, September 16, 2017; 10:00 a.m. - Noon
Amedee O. “Dick” Richards, Jr. Council Chamber
1424 Mission Street, South Pasadena, CA

A Saturday Community Workshop to present and seek community input on the content of the draft district map(s) and sequence of elections.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017; 7:30 p.m.
Amedee O. “Dick” Richards, Jr. Council Chamber
1424 Mission Street, South Pasadena, CA

A City Council Public Hearing to seek resident input on the content of the draft district map(s) and sequence of elections.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017; 7:30 p.m.
Amedee O. “Dick” Richards, Jr. Council Chamber
1424 Mission Street, South Pasadena, CA

A City Council Public Hearing to select a preferred district map and to adopt an ordinance to transition to a district-based electoral system.

Reference Documents

Council Agenda Reports

PowerPoint Presentations

Resolution of Intention

Press Releases

Public Hearing Notice (Available in English, Korean, Chinese, and Spanish)

Letter of Alleged CVRA Violation

Community Input on District Boundaries

District Maps


For more information, residents are encouraged to contact Maria Ayala, Chief City Clerk, at (626) 403-7230 or cityclerk@southpasadenaca.gov.