Energy Efficiency and Air Quality

Explore methods to conserve energy and improve air quality through rebates, incentives, and programs offered by the following providers:

AQMD_logoeuc logo socalgasSouthern-California-Edison-logo

South Coast Air Quality Management District

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast AQMD) and the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (MSRC) have established a residential Electric Vehicle (EV) charging incentive program to offset Level 2 (240v) EV charger hardware costs. This program will be available to residents within the South Coast AQMD’s four-county jurisdiction. 


The South Coast Air Quality Management District has two programs that help clean the air through the replacement of gasoline-powered residential lawn mowers and commercial lawn and garden equipment. Click here for more information.

For a full list of programs visit:




Energy Upgrade California

EUC is a state-wide initiative committed to helping Californians take action to save energy, conserve and preserve natural resources, reduce demand on the energy grid, and make informed choices about their energy use at home and at work. EUC emphasizes that every resident has the power to make a difference with actions large and small. Click here for more information.



Reducing energy consumption and improving energy efficiency in our homes and businesses is always a smart investment; saving us time, energy and money over the long run. Now, paying for upgrades is so much easier with the availability of existing and upcoming financing programs. Click here for more information.


Southern California Edison

SCE offers a variety of rebates and incentives that can help you conserve energy and save money. Explore SCE's website to research energy saving products, rebates, and incentives such as savings for HVACs, water heat pumps, electric portable power stations, smart thermostats, electric vehicles, home or business area networks and more.Click here for more information.


Energy Efficient Tools

Energy Upgrade California- How to Save Energy

Regardless of the season, you can always find ways to save energy! Check out these tips from the Keep it Golden program by Energy Upgrade California.

Year Round

Using a power strip for electronic equipment, will help reduce phantom loads. Remember to turn the strip off when you’re not using it.

Leaving charged smartphones and laptops plugged in wastes energy and can damage the battery.

Replace dirty, clogged HVAC filters every one to two months during the summer to lower your energy use by 5% to 15%.

Turn your water heater down to 120ºF (if health permits) to save energy.

Switch to energy-efficient appliances, fans and electronics with certified products throughout your home.

Simply flip the switch off when no one is in a room, and you'll save energy. It's too easy.

Keep your freezer full. An empty freezer uses more energy to stay cold. Pack your freezer with more food or even with gallon containers of water.


Close your shades during the day. The heat will stay out while you stay in.

Adjust your thermostat to 78° or higher to help lower your energy bill.

Move furniture blocking vents to let the cool air flow freely through your home.


Move furniture away from vents. Obstructing vents blocks heat, wastes energy and may even pose a fire hazard.

Rugs and carpeting aid with heat retention, and they’re more comfortable on bare feet.

Switch the thermostat to 68°F or lower to stay cozy and save energy.

Open blinds on sunny days so you can warm your home and turn the lights off.

Protect your home from the cold outside by keeping it properly insulated.

Additional Energy Reduction Steps and Guidance

Adjust Your Thermostat 

  • During peak hours or when you're not home, set your thermostat at 78° or higher. Setting your air conditioner 5° higher can save up to 20 percent on cooling costs.
  • Pre-cool your home by running air conditioning at 72 degrees in the early part of the day (when it is more efficient) then turn your system to 78 or higher during the hottest part of the day when demand is the highest.  
  • Use smart or programmable features to help maintain energy savings when you're not home.

Close Windows and Doors

  • Keep windows and doors closed to prevent the loss of cooled or heated air.
  • On summer nights, open windows to let cooler air in when safe. In the morning before the day starts to heat up, close windows and blinds to keep warm air out.
  • Tilt blinds up and close drapes or shades on windows that receive direct sunlight.

Smart Energy Use 

  • Turn off unnecessary lighting and use desktop lamps with LEDs instead of overhead lights.
  • Turn off computers when not in use.
  • Unplug phone charges, power strips (those without a switch) and other equipment when not in use. Taken together, these small items can use as much power as your refrigerator.

Access and Functional Needs

  • Charge medical devices in off hours and have back up plan for if the power goes out.
  • Contact local utilities companies if you are dependent on power for assistive devices. 

Major Appliance Use 

  • Postpone using major appliances like the oven, dishwasher, clothes washer, and dryer until cooler times of the day to avoid heating up your home.
  • Run your dishwasher and clothes washer only when full. Wait until after 9 p.m. to use these and other major appliances.
  • When possible, wash clothes in cold water. About 90 percent of the energy used in a clothes washer goes to water heating.

Clean or Replace Your Filters

  • A dirty filter forces your air conditioner and furnace to work harder, wasting money, using more energy or natural gas.

Adjust Your Water Heater

  • Turn your water heater down to 120° or the "normal" setting. Water heating accounts for about 13 percent of home energy costs.

San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments- Free Home Energy Efficiency Reviews

Energy efficiency leads to energy savings. Saving energy means spending less on your energy bill. Learn how to improve your home's performance during a FREE home energy efficiency assessment. Schedule an appointment today! Appointments are 30 minutes and can be conducted via zoom or in-person at your home. 

During the energy efficiency review, you will receive:

  • An introduction to the "whole house" approach to improve your home's performance, meaning we'll assess all aspects of your home that contribute to energy usage and/or efficiency

  • Information about incentive and rebate programs through local utility companies 

  • A customized home energy action plan with project recommendations, including both immediate and long term solutions

Visit the Home Improvement Guide and Review FAQs  

Electrification Projects The City of South Pasadena is dedicated to achieving its electrification and decarbonization goals outlined in its Climate Action Plan. These goals focus on lowering carbon emissions, reducing pollution, and improving air quality. City staff are actively seeking funding opportunities to carry out electrification projects in various city sectors, such as Transportation, Municipal Operations, Building and Planning, and more. Below are some of the projects completed by staff with the support of local groups and funding sources.

2019 CNG Station Upgrade

A Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (MSRC) funded project.

City staff obtained an MSRC grant in the amount of $130,000 to upgrade the City's CNG Station. The upgrades included a CNG dispenser replacement, a new compressor unit, modifications to the entrance gate, and an electric capacity upgrade. The completion of this project provides optimum operation for both the CNG Fueling Station and the EV Charging Station to work together. It also provides critical support for both the Public Works fleet and the Transit Division Senior Bus program.

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2020-2022 Purchase of Electric City Vehicles and Installation of EV Charging Station

A Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (MSRC) Project.

The City purchased two electric City vehicles with $20,000 grant funding from the MSRC. These vehicles replace the City’s gas vehicles and reduce carbon emissions of City operations, further supporting the City’s efforts to accomplish their Climate Action Plan goals. The electric vehicles will be the primary vehicles used for City events and community gatherings. 

The installation of the EV Charger was funded by a $30,000 grant from the MSRC and will be used for City electric vehicle charging. This installation marks the beginning of the City’s road to increasing EV charging infrastructure in the City. 

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